Billing and Economic Models
Billing and Economic Models
As a boutique firm with specialized expertise, we strive to keep our overhead low and our billing models flexible. While we are often less expensive overall, we do not seek to be the lowest cost service provider. Instead, we pursue client relationships that reward results by decreasing upfront expenses and sharing in the value we help to create.
Hourly rates.
While we have a strong preference for alternative billing models, we offer hourly rates that are very competitive and can be discounted based on corporate policies and volume thresholds. We bill in industry standard increments, but only for actual work on a client’s behalf (i.e. no incremental billing for short e-mails, catch-up calls and exploring opportunities to work together). We also offer blended rate arrangements so that senior advisors can provide oversight and input without breaking the bank.
Monthly retainers.
We offer arrangements for discrete projects or broader scope engagements for outside general counsel or business development services. We can adjust a set retainer upward or downward as the work ebbs and flows and can also couple the monthly retainer with success fees in an effort to decrease up-front costs and reward advisors for specific results.
Flat/project fees.
We recognize the need for predictability in project planning and provide flat fee quotes that are designed to create efficiencies for both the client and the advisor. Under this model, we take the risk that we have underestimated the time that needs to be spent. If it takes longer, you still don’t pay any more. If we are very efficient, we get the benefit of our efficiency.
Success fees.
Results are the ultimate measure of any enterprise and while we cannot guarantee results, we do offer economic structures that allocate the risk reward equation in unique and creative ways. We work with our clients to define success, measure our contribution and create incentives to accelerate timetables for achieving the client’s goals.